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State Team Selection

What do you need to do to if you are interested in being a member of the South Australian State Target Team to represent South Australia at National  Championships?

There are five separate National Championships:

  • Youth (usually around Easter)
  • Field (usually around March)
  • Para and Visually Impaired (usually around April)
  • Indoor (usually in early July) – includes both youth and senior teams 
  • Target (usually early October)

The Field, and Para and VI championships do not have an RGB competition and so there is no state team for those championships. 

State team members will be reimbursed an amount equivalent to 100% of the entry fees for the National Championship events shot by the individual.


Team selection is based on the three best ratings, in each applicable discipline, achieved at registered events (QREs or registered tournaments) during the qualifying period which runs from 1 month after the previous relevant National Championships until 3 months before the upcoming National Championships. 

For example, if the RGB team event for the National Youth Championships includes field and target events, your best three field ratings and best three outdoor ratings will be considered. If you have shot less than 3 events in the relevant discipline, you may still be considered for team selection, but will be at a severe disadvantage compared to others who have shot three such events. The qualification period will run from one month after the last National Youth Championships until 3 months prior to the upcoming National Youth Championships.

Your best three ratings in each discipline will  used to project scores for the relevant rounds for your category. These scores will be averaged and totaled to obtain a selection ranking score, which can be thought of as an estimate of the likely contribution you would make to the RGB team score. See here for an example of the calculation.

Team Composition

Currently all RGB teams are mixed gender but there are quotas to ensure equitable representation. The youth teams have additional constraints on the number of team members in each class. The teams’ divisions (bow types) and composition (total size and numbers in each category) is as specified from time to time by Archery Australia for the relevant championships.


  1. Shoot plenty of registered events. Often we don’t obtain the exact rules from Archery Australia until relatively late in the process, but always, having recorded multiple good scores in the disciplines you intend to shoot, will aid your selection. 
  2. International events. If you have recorded scores in registered events that are not in Archers Diary, and you wish them to be considered, you must provide evidence (e.g. an IANSEO link) to the Tournament Director prior to the close of the qualification period. Archers Diary results are automatically considered.
  3. Register your interest.  There will be a call for expressions of interest which closes 1 month (or as advised) prior to the end of the qualification period. If at any time you no longer wish to be considered, please notify the Tournament Director.
  4. The Tournament Director will collate a selection ranking list and provide you with an opportunity to provide corrections. Any issues must be raised within 7 days.
  5. The final selection ranking list will be presented to the ARCSA board for approval. The top ranking archers, subject to any Archery Australia rules on team composition, will form the team. The selected team will be announced and is final (subject only to team members withdrawing for any reason).


  • Team members must shoot all the championships events that form part of the RGB competition and are responsible for registering themselves in the championship events.
  • Financial assistance is limited to reimbursement of entry fees for National Championship events and supply of a uniform where applicable. Other costs (travel, accommodation etc) are the responsibility of the individual.

This is a summary. See the current State Team Policy for full details.