How to Formally Join a Club
So, you have completed a basic Archery Australia accredited course of instruction in the wonderful sport of archery…. what now?
A national member database allows you to securely and online, make application to Join a Club (or to Renew Your Membership) using a computer, tablet or smartphone. If you don’t have access to these, your Club can assist. (since 1 July, 2017 all memberships are completed online). (Find your nearest Club.)
Click on the blue button (or the Join Now link on the home page) to be taken to the Archery Australia online membership system. You will need to create an account in order to login.The next screen will be the various membership options (which the Club should have already advised you about).
Online Payment – Pay By Credit or Debit Card (VISA or MasterCard only) (Note: EFT, Cash or Cheque payments are not accepted)
Complete the subscription and declarations(***) and pay. Once payment has been approved(*) and, subject to Club acceptance processes(**), you will be registered and insured. You will receive confirmation of the payment, by email.
Your membership card is electronic, and is accessed via your member record. It will indicate the expiry date of the membership – 12 months from it being processed and approved by the Club.
(Your Club can view your membership application details instantly.)
* Be aware, some Clubs may also require a Joining Fee (as a separate transaction) to be paid by those joining the Club for the first time, before the application is approved.
** Some Clubs require that applications for membership need to be formally accepted at a meeting. Until that occurs, you might NOT be a member of that Club, nor ARCHERY SA or Archery Australia.
*** The required declarations include:
- Agreeing to be bound by and conducting yourself in accordance with the Constitutions, Rules, Policies and Procedures of the Club, ARCHERY South Australia and Archery Australia and
- Agreeing with and acknowledging other conditions of membership, including the General Provisions of the Code of Behaviour.
What is the national member database?
It is a listing of all members (affiliates) who are affiliated with a Club, ARCHERY SA and Archery Australia.
Each of the entities can view the information relevant to its level. For example, the Club administrator can only view the records of that Club’s members. You, as a financial affiliate, can only view your record.
In creating a member record, your email address enables Archery Australia, ARCHERY SA and/or the Club the ability to communicate directly, rather than relying on one of the other entities to forward the information.
The database is secure. The information contained in the database (e.g. address, phone number, date of birth, email address, etc) are for the exclusive use of the three entities, and is not supplied or sold to third parties.
Your email address is provided on the understanding it will be used to communicate with you; so that any of the three entities can contact you directly if needed.
If you are worried about overlooking the relatively few archery emails you would receive among the myriad of emails from others, think about creating a separate (free) email account (e.g. gMail, Yahoo!) for your archery communications. That way, you receive only archery-related messages to that address.
If you change your address, phone number or email address, you are responsible to update your record. (If you have can’t remember your Password, the “Forgot your Password” function provides the ability to obtain a link to reset your Password.)
The national member database is there to assist members, Clubs, State bodies and the National body to:
- enable accurate reporting (numbers & age groups of members, for example)
- “tighten up” membership records to improve governance
- provide for transfers of members to and from other Clubs
- ensure accurate record-keeping at all levels, and facilitate payment of membership fees, making life easier for Clubs and their volunteers (improving money management, and reducing the consequent risks involved with handling cash, including fraud)
- it also gives you, the member, control of your information.